Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Anti-Skid Baby Socks

Kaos kaki yg dirancang untuk bayi yg baru lahir sampai bisa jalan. Sangat hangat dan memiliki telapak anti slip sehingga bayi yg belajar jalan tidak terpeleset.
Mary Jane
(0 - 12 months) IDR 45.000/pc or IDR 265.000/box

(9 - 15 cm) IDR 30.000/pc

(9 - 15 cm) IDR 30.000/pc

Petite Mimi "Ashley" (New Born - 9 months) IDR 95.000/box

Petite Mimi "Loafers" (New Born - 9 months) IDR 95.000/box

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rump a Rooz

Rump•a•rooz® One Size Reusable Diapers are 4 diaper sizes in ONE diaper. Everything you will need from birth (6.5 lbs) to potty training (35+ lbs). Rump•a•rooz® is the ONLY cloth diaper on the market that has been uniquely designed to contain the messiest of messes. The inside of each diaper is designed with 2 gentle internal gussets that channel each leg. No chance of escape for even the messiest or messes! Keep that cute outfit clean!

Its no wonder these award winning diapers are the diapers of choice for moms, dads, grandparents and babysitters. One of the most important decisions new parents face, just got easier.

Each diaper comes with a Rumparooz 6-r soaker. Each soaker includes:
1-Full size Micro Terry Insert with snap down setting
1-Contoured Newborn Micro Terry Insert
6 size/absorbency combination settings

Solid IDR 275.000
Print IDR 295.000

Knicker Nappies

Knickernappies OneSize Diapers have some great features:
• Four size adjustments to fit your baby best -- Small, Medium Short, Medium, and Large
• Tested to fit babies from about 8 lbs to 40 lbs
• Two inserts with every diaper, sizes small & large, and our inserts are Made in the USA!
• Choose between two top-rated LoopyDo inserts or two microfiber inserts.
• A scooped tummy panel & topstitching for best fit under chubby baby bellies
• Elastic on both sides of the pocket opening to hold the insert in place
• Very gentle Lastin elastic in the leg and waist - no red marks!
• Lastin elastic is long lasting and can't "go out" like regular elastic
• Two Year Guarantee on elastic and snaps.

LoopyDo inserts are the #1 insert on Diaper Pin. Combining both hemp and microfiber makes them both absorbant and trim. Sewn in a loop so they dry fast, prewashed so they're ready for use after just one wash.

What makes Knickernappies OneSize Diapers the best choice?
1. Side snaps make the diaper smooth and non-bulky in the tummy area.
2. Easier to pull pants over side-snapping diapers.
3. Harder for babies to undo by themselves.
4. For potty training, they can be pulled up and down like underwear without undoing the snaps.
5. Snaps are long-lasting and easy to care for

IDR 290.000 1 cloth diaper + 2 insert LoopyDo
1 insert LoopyDo : IDR 90.000

Zigie Zag (ZZ)

Zigie Zag (ZZ) merupakan produk cloth diapers made in Indonesia. Dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah dibanding dengan cloth diapers impor, ZZ memiliki kualitas yg tidak kalah bagus. ZZ terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang berkualitas baik, yang menyerap dan membuat permukaan diapers tetap kering sehingga baby bebas ruam. Motif ZZ bervariasi, dari yang polos sampai motif lucu-lucu yang colorful.

Cloth diapers ZZ bisa dipakai sampai berat badan anak 15 kg (2 tahun), sehingga lebih hemat.

Untuk pemakaian harian, ZZ dapat dipakai sampai 3~4 jam (tergantung dari banyaknya pipis masing-masing baby (kecuali kalau baby-nya pup, yaa...).

Fakta tentang ZZ :
  • Lapisan Inner ZZ terbuat dari bahan suede cloth yang sangat lembut, menyerap air dengan cepat dan membuat permukaan inner tetep kering.
  • Lapisan Outer ZZ terdiri dari berbagai macam bahan seperti cotton, polyster atau kombinasi keduanya, dilapisi bahan waterproof sehingga eminimalkan kebocoran. 

 Untuk insert, ZZ menyediakan 2 jenis yang bisa disesuaikan buat masing-masing baby :
  1. Baby Terry : daya serap tinggi, sangat ekonomis, namun penyerapannya lama dan lebih lama kering. Tidak boleh diperas terlalu kuat karena sifat bahannya agak molor.
  2. Microfiber Terry : bahanya lembut, ringan, penyerapan cepat dan lebih cepat kering.

Pemilihan dan penggunaan insert yang tepat dapat dilihat dari seberapa sering intensitas baby pee atau pup :
  1. Untuk baby baru lahir, intesitas pee atau pup masih sering sehingga disarankan memilih insert microfiber terry + baby terry.
  2. Untuk baby dengan intensitas pee atau pup yang sudah cukup teratur, disarankan menggunakan baby terry insert pada siang hari dan microfiber terry insert + baby terry insert pada malam hari.
  3. Untuk baby yang baru berjalan disarankan memakai microfiber terry insert pada siang hari dan microfiber terry insert + baby terry insert pada malam hari.

Harganya satuan :
• Pocket only : Rp. 37.500,-
• Baby Terry Insert : Rp. 27.500,-
• Microfiber Terry Insert : Rp. 47.500,-

Harga Paket :
Paket 1 : 1 Pocket + 2 Baby Terry Insert Rp. 55.000,-

Paket 2 : 1 Pocket + 1 Microfiber Terry Insert Rp. 75.000,-

Paket 3 : 1 Pocket + 2 Baby Terry Insert + 1 Microfiber Terry Insert Rp. 100.000,-

Paket 4 : 3 Pocket + 3 Baby Terry Insert Rp. 155.000,-

Motif :

Fuzzi Bunz

The FuzziBunz® One-Size Diapers are the most adjustable and innovative one-size cloth diapers on the market today! Adjust the diapers to fit babies 7-35 pounds and get a snug fit every time with the button-adjusted waist and leg casings. The leg casings adjust to 8+ settings and the waist adjusts to 4+ settings. Never before has a pocket-style cloth diaper been SO adjustable!

And the great thing about FuzziBunz® is that they always use sturdy snap closures which will withstand 3+ years of use and elastic that is easily replaceable if it ever fails making it a long standing and dependable diapering system for years to come.

About Adjustability
The FuzziBunz® ONE SIZE diaper is adjustable through adjustable elastic, NOT snap downs on the front of the diaper like most one size diapers on the market today. Similar to adjustable waistbands for children and maternity wear, the waist and legs have been made customizable through a button / elastic adjustment system. So instead of 3 length settings, you can set to 8+ very customizable sizes. Instead of NO waist settings, you have up to 4+. So you have a SUPER adjustable diaper without an excess of snaps. It may take a bit of "adjusting" to get to the right size, but when you find the right fit, you set it and forget it.

About Durability
In a One Size diaper 'durability" is especially important. You want that diaper to fit for 3+ years from the time your baby is born until the time they are out of diapers....and possibly for other children. FuzziBunz® are already built to last. After 10 years as a leader in the cloth diaper industry, we prefer the precision and durability of snap closures on our products, and by offering a unique and "replaceable for pennies" elastic system on the diapers, we can promise our customers years of extended use. Not only will your CLOSURES last for 3 years your ELASTIC will LAST for as long as it will and can be replaced in less than 10 minutes!
No re-sewing, no seam-ripping! FuzziBunz® are a great and valuable investment.

The Truth
FuzziBunz® offers both Pefect Sized and Birth to Potty diapers to consumers. Each have their pros and cons. We believe in "truth in advertising". If a trim fitting diaper is important to you then the "perfect sized" diapers may be suited best for you - most babies only use 2 sizes of diapers (small and medium).
If a diaper that will last from birth to potty, and will stand up to three years of use and possibly more is what you value....and you are willing to
sacrifice some trimness for this - then the "One Size" may be your diaper of choice. Our company supports your choices and will offer superior
product support and warranty whichever you choose.

IDR 270.000
1 diaper + 2 insert (1 small, 1 large)


CoolaBaby adalah cloth diapers impor dengan harga murah dan kualitas terjamin. Bisa dipakai oleh baby dengan berat badan 3kg-13kg (dg usia baru lahir sampaai sekitar 2 tahun).

Cloth diapers ini bisa untuk beberapa kali pipis (sekitar 3~4 jam) kecuali pup (kalau pup wajib diganti).
Kalau cuma pipis saja dan sekiranya insert udah penuh, cukup ganti insert saja dan permukaan akan tetap kering.

More about CoolaBaby :
  • Produk Cina yang sudah masuk pasaran dunia.
  • Celana seperti pampers yang di dalamnya bisa diselipkan insert untuk mengabsorbsi pipis.
  • Pemakaiannya sama seperti pampers biasa, dengan kancing tekan di kanan kirinya dan reusable.
  • CLOTH DIAPER 1 UKURAN (All Size) sehingga bisa digunakan dari NB 3kg-13kg.

Harga :
  • 1 Coolababy + 2 Insert Rp. 115.000,-
  • 2 Coolababy + 2 Insert Rp. 220.000,-
  • > 3 Coolababy (6 insert) @ Rp. 105.000,-
  • Insert Rp. 30.000,-

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009


    The Diapers
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